The Daily Perspective Podcast

Kanye’s album “Jesus Is King” is now the #1 album in the US. Every song is also now in the Billboard Top 100.

Next? Julian Castro Lays Off Staff In Primary States Amid Campaign Struggles

ABC Anchor Amy Robach, on Hot Mic, Claims She Had Jeffrey Epstein Story Three Years Ago But Network Killed It
*Replace “Clinton” with “Trump” and ABC News would have hired an entire division of investigative journalists to dig up everything they could find
*REMEMBER – ABC ran with uncorroborated Kavanaugh accusations, AND ran video footage of a gun range as a Syrian attack.

Trump Offers U.S. Help to Mexico in Going to War Against Drug Cartels
*Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador flatly rejected President Donald Trump’s offer to “wage war” on drug cartels following the massacre of a U.S.-Mexican family along the border.
During a Tuesday press conference, López Obrador rejected Trump’s public offer to send U.S. military forces to Mexico and help his government combat organized crime. The leftist president — reiterating a position he’s long held — argued that war with the drug cartels was not the best approach.
“We have to act independently and according to our constitution, and in line with our tradition of independence and sovereignty,” López Obrador said Tuesday. “War is irrational. We are for peace. It is a characteristic of this new government.”

Transcripts: Ex-Pompeo Adviser Rejects Adam Schiff’s Effort to Mischaracterize His Testimony
